Crooked teeth are unattractive. Some people learn the art of embracing them. However, some still suffer from low self-esteem. While you should always be comfortable in your skin (and teeth), there are some crucial reasons for you to consider teeth straightening.
Please note that the post does not intend to make anyone feel bad about themselves. Here are the many medical reasons why you should get help to get your teeth straightened.
Reasons for Teeth Straightening
Straight is Clean
Oral health is as essential as keeping the rest of your body clean. Failing to do so does not only lead to bad breath but it also gives birth to many infections. Hence, leaving you with no other choice but to go for major surgery. One of the most important reasons for you to make an effort to get your teeth straightened is that straight teeth are cleaner than crooked.
Brushing and flossing are two ways by which you can keep the ‘in-betweens’ of your teeth clean as well. Crooked teeth make it hard for the floss or brush bristles to reach some surfaces. Thus, keeping you from cleaning them. If you have straight teeth, you can keep them clean at all times.
And clean teeth keep many gum diseases and other serious infections away from your mouth. As they say, precaution is better than cure. Therefore, be vigilant about your oral health and the cleanliness of your teeth. You would want to get rid of the yellow teeth that is one of the major side effects of smoking.
Jaw Alignment Affected
Crooked teeth will also play a major part in ruining your jaw alignment. There is a medical term for when your upper and lower jaws do not align (not meet comfortably) leading to chronic pain. It’s called Temporomandibular. A misaligned jaw also leads to more serious issues including teeth grinding and clenching. Both of which a normal person would want to avoid.
If you think that the issue stops at grinding and clenching, you are wrong. It only gets worse from here leading to neck as well as ear pain. One can also experience severe headaches. Under such circumstances, straightening the teeth can help you in gaining long-term stability. Therefore, avoid incurring a serious impairment and opt for teeth straightening.
Straight is Healthy
The clean is healthy. Because straight teeth can easily be cleaned, they also tend to be healthy. Apart from the apparent cleanliness, straight teeth also wear with passing time at a natural speed. However, crooked teeth wear well before time. Do not underestimate the power of healthy teeth as they are essential for eating properly and with ease. You would not want to deprive yourself of this blessing.
Reduced Risk of Periodontal Disease
Straight teeth will keep you from contracting periodontal disease. All things relate to one main feature and that is cleanliness. It is hard to keep the crooked teeth clean. Thus, making you more vulnerable to periodontal disease as the bacteria builds inside your mouth over time.
You might think that you are not likely to have a deadly disease like mouth cancer but periodontal disease isn’t any less painful. Bleeding of gums is a common symptom that you are suffering from periodontal disease. If you do not get it treated in time, you can suffer from serious periodontitis. This, in turn, can have worse effects on your oral health and can cause breaking down of your jawbone tissues or receding of your gums.
Reduced Risk of Stroke
Thinking to yourself that you are following all the fitness tips for men over 50 and that you are just fine might end you up in serious trouble. If you are not considering your oral health, you can suffer from just as serious issues like a stroke. Straight teeth can reduce your chances of suffering from a stroke or any heart disease.
The reason is that crooked teeth can lead to periodontitis that can, in turn, give birth to cardiovascular diseases. Hence, putting you at a greater risk of developing heart disease. So, do not let your daily fitness regime fool you into thinking that all is well.
Confident Smile
A bonus point goes to how straight teeth help you to feel more confident when you wear that big smile. It gives you the confidence to laugh whenever you want to without having to fear about your crooked teeth showing.
There are a lot of teeth straightening options available. When you visit the dentist, he will guide you through and you will realize that getting braces is not the only way to do so. Some of the many alternatives include Invisalign and ceramic braces. However, only a dentist can examine and tell the option that will be the best for you to consider.