Juices are great for the human body. After all, it supplies the body with nutrients. And guess what? There are some juices for weight loss as well. However, there are certain types of juices that are low in fiber and high in sugar. And this can increase your calorie intake. It will also make you gain weight instead of losing it. This is true with many store-bought juices which contain preservations, artificial flavors, and sugar. But you can avoid consuming them.
Top 5 Juices for Weight Loss
You don’t have to rely on juice boxes. They won’t do your body any good. Instead, it is suggested to make fresh juices at home with the help of a juicer. Doing this will give you many health benefits! The first is that the juices you will be making will be pure and free from artificial flavors. Then, it won’t have much sugar in them as you will be pouring just the right amount in. Moreover, they will be high in fiber. So, with that said, let’s have a look at the top 5 juices for weight loss:
#1. Celery Juice
Celery juice has become a top choice for fitness freaks. This is because this juice has low calories and is composed of over 95% water. As it doesn’t have calories, you can recommend this drink to your loved ones or friends as one of the best weight loss tips. Moreover, this juice is an excellent source of antioxidants and some beneficial plant compounds. This can help minimize inflammation and oxidative stress.
#2. Beet Juice
This is the favorite juice of athletes as this helps them enhance their performance. It contains many beneficial compounds such as dietary nitrates, which is what places it among the best vegetable juices for weight loss. Dietary nitrates are advantageous for the human body as it increases endurance and muscle efficiency. It also aids in reducing blood pressure levels. Furthermore, beets have a lot of fiber and offer low calories, which can keep you full for longer hours.
#3. Green Veggie Juice
When it comes to green juices, people use different ingredients to make it. For instance, some prefer using cabbage while others go with spinach or kale. No matter what green ingredient they use, they are usually low in sugar, high in fiber, and contain a lot of anti-inflammatory antioxidants. You will also find this interesting to know that vegetables and fruits play a big role in weight reduction. Also, green juices can tailor to your tastebuds almost instantly as long as you include your favorite ingredient in the drink. It is easily among the best fat-burning juices.
#4. Pomegranate Juice
Pomegranates are simply refreshing and delicious. If you like the fruit, you are going to love the pomegranate juice! The drink is healthy and is low on calories which makes it one of the best fruit juices for weight loss. These juices are also helpful in preventing spikes in blood sugar. In fact, this drink will keep your blood sugar level stable.
#5. Kale Apple Juice
This is the perfect alternative to store-bought juices that are high in sugar. Kale and apple are both good for the human body. You will find it interesting to know that Kale contains almost 1 gram of fiber whereas apples give a variety of different nutrients. Some researchers have discovered that having both will not only help you in reducing weight but will also improve the quality of your diet. While making this delicious drink, you can add other ingredients as well, like carrots, ginger, lemon, or celery.
#6. Watermelon Juice
Who doesn’t like watermelons? They are refreshing and sweet. Plus, they offer a lot of nutrition. They also provide many micronutrients that are healthy for the heart, such as vitamins A & C and potassium. It also includes a greater percentage of water which can keep you feeling full for extended hours. There is no doubt that consuming watermelon juice will aid you in trimming down your weight. After consuming the drink, you will experience fewer cravings for food. Watermelon juice may also be better than protein smoothies.
#7. Carrot Juice
You can’t go wrong with carrot juice! It is a nutrient-rich drink that will supply your body with a lot of vitamin A. It’s suggested to make your carrot juice in a blender rather than a juicer as this will give you more fiber, and hence, you will start to have a feeling of fullness. This beverage will assist you in regulating your appetite. It is also loaded with carotenoids which easily makes this beverage among the best juices for weight loss.
#8. Lemon-Ginger Green Juice
This is another juice that professional dietitians recommend. Lemon-ginger beverages will energize you and would make you more active. Plus, the lemons will add some flavor to the drink. It will also give you antioxidants. Whereas ginger will help enhance your metabolism. It will reduce your appetite greatly. Therefore, it is not a surprise to know why many people consider it to be among the best fat burning juices.
Obesity has become a real problem. Luckily, there are a lot of ways to trim down your fat, and one of them is fresh juices such as the ones mentioned above. They are the best solution to non-surgical weight loss. Plus, these juices will provide you with a lot of nutrients and fibers. If you are a vegetarian, you will surely like green drinks. carrot and green veggie are some of the best juices for weight loss. So, which one are you going to try?
Can you lose weight by juicing?
Yes, if you opt for carrot or green veggie juice, you can lose weight.
What should I eat while juicing to lose weight?
You should eat organic fruits and vegetables.
What is the cheapest juice to make?
Watermelon is by far the cheapest juice to make.
Is it good to drink green juice every day?
You can consume green juice on alternative days as drinking too much of this can harm your blood sugar.
What vegetables should not be juiced?
Broccoli, bok choy, and raw spinach are some vegetables that should not be juiced.
What is the best time for juicing?
Early morning is the best time for juicing.
Does Green juice make you lose weight?
Yes, green juice can help you reduce weight.